Loose Parts Play Toolkit for Schools

A fantastic guide for any school looking to develop loose parts play. The book is full of practical advice and information, based in years of experience in loose parts play.

Please note that we can train your staff team in loose parts play and more – click here.


The Loose Parts Play Toolkit is vital for any school or nursery as they improve play experiences.

Our aim is that more children will have access to loose parts play and that adults in the play, early years and education sectors will feel more comfortable and confident about introducing loose parts play within their settings.

The Loose Parts Play Toolkit aims:

  • To raise awareness of the value of loose parts to children’s play
  • To provide practical guidance about loose parts play to those who work with children and young people of all ages
  • To advocate the use of loose parts as an approach to developing play opportunities at home, school and in the community.

Who is the Toolkit for?

The Toolkit will be useful for people working with children and young people across all age ranges, in many types of setting including schools, health and early learning and childcare settings, and for the many organisations that seek to engage children and families. This may include those who design or manage public spaces and visitor attractions, the creative sector, event organisers and businesses which provide services to families.

Throughout this toolkit we have included examples and quotes from settings which are using loose parts as part of their provision for play. These come from a range of settings including early learning and childcare, schools and community-based projects.

As the underlying approach remains the same, examples provided can easily be applied to different contexts, environments and age ranges and to be inclusive of children with additional need of support.

This toolkit is a partner to the Good School Playground Guide.

Please note that we can train your staff team in loose parts play and more – click here.

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