Play Types Toolkit – Bringing more play into the school day

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The Play Types Toolkit is intended for schools and education professionals though we are sure people in other settings will also find it useful.


The Play Types Toolkit is intended for schools and education professionals though we are sure people in other settings will also find it useful. The aim is to highlight the range of types of play children experience, their vital contribution to learning and development, and to make integration of play into the curriculum simpler.

What do we mean by play types?

Play types can simply be described as the different behaviours we can see when children are playing. There have been numerous attempts to categorise different types of play.

This toolkit uses the play types from play theorist Bob Hughes’ (2006: 33) Play Types – Speculations and Possibilities in which he explains that ‘each play type is both distinctly and subtly different from the others’. It is useful to be able to recognise them since ‘engaging in each one is a necessary corollary for a child’s healthy development’.

The toolkit is published by Play Scotland.

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